The Path to Personal Growth

The path to personal growth and fulfillment consists of 3 main steps:

• Identifying your values
• Defining the drivers behind those values
• Prioritizing mechanisms to help you live those values day to day

Values are those high-level areas that unlock some feeling of fulfillment (e.g. creativity, integrity, balance).

Drivers are the real meat of what makes a value fulfilling. There can be many drivers to your values, but usually a few are most impactful (i.e. solving a complex problem makes me feel more creative than writing a song does).

Mechanisms are the tangible actions we create and choose in life that serve our drivers (e.g. our job, hobbies, what we decide to learn and unlearn about ourselves).

If you can define and prioritize the mechanisms in your life that help you serve your drivers (and ultimately your values), and eliminate or delegate those that don't, you're on an actionable plan to personal growth and fulfillment.


TSR #1: How to assess and navigate uncertainty